Friday, December 23, 2005

White Dwarf (UK) 313 Highlights

This goes on sale in GW, I suppose, tomorrow. I went in to one of their stores a few weeks ago on a Friday evening and stuff (Black Templars, I think) was being put on the shelves. "Ya can't buy any of this" snarled the customer-friendly assistant. "Oh".

Anyhow, independents get it on the last Friday of the month, these days, and for them there seem to be less active enforcement of the embargo. Issue 313 is up to the usual standard for this very professionally produced magazine, although the format has once again changed. Maybe there isn't a format, really, but it always looks as if there ought to be one, it's just different from issue to issue.

Anyhow, as to the contents:

New Releases

Being mainly dwarves:

- Dwarf Battalion, 28/12 £50
- Dwarf Army Book, 28/12 £12
- Dwarf Warriors, 7/1, £18
- Dwarf Runelord (2 versions), 14/1, £6
- Dwarf Lord with Great Weapon (oo-er missus), 21/1, £6
- Josef Bugman, 21/1, £6
- Dwarf Grudge Thrower, 7/1, £18
- Dwarf Master Engineer (4 varieties), 14/1, £5
- Direct Sales Only Dwarf Lord with Great Weapon (2 varieties), 21/1, £6
- Black Templars Chapter Upgrade (2 squad upgrade sprues and a vehicle upgrade sprue, useful if you bought the BT battalion box, which turns out to contain a vanilla, non-BT Rhino vehicle), 7/1, £15
- Limited Edition Castellan Draco, BT special character, 7/1, £6
- Battle for Macragge Hobby Set (original set, clippers, glue, sand, brushes, some paint), £50


The usual tour to show that everybody is up to something, at least:

- Tau Empire. One page including pictures of the Codex cover, Commander Shadowsun (with drones), plastic Stealthsuits, sniper drones and controller. "Stealth armour, Sky Ray and Piranha in plastic", effectively replacing Forge World resin counterparts (an interesting trend).
- LotR - "Fantastic News", repeatedly trumpeted elsewhere - you can now buy LotR components. I also read somewhere that you can also use LotR components and models in non-LotR tournament play, but I think this fact (if true) has yet to appear in any official announcement.
- Wood Elf Lord on Stag - very nice looking character model I hadn't seen elsewhere. The associated verbiage says that a second wave of Wood Elf models are in the pipeline.
- Warhammer Mark of Chaos computer game, small preview. Due for release in late 2006 so shouldn't worry us unduly at this point.
- ForgeWorld - Hellhound tank, seen previously here.
- Black Library - a new print and some camouflage pattern apparel
- Warhammer Historical - new release of Warhammer Ancient Battles
- Black Library novels - Dan Abnett's Horus Rising, previously mentioned here and on preview at amazon. By the way, I just checked on amazon and volume two of the multi-author trilogy, by Phil MacNeill, is also on preview.
- LotR - some pointers to online errata for the new LotR rulebook. They're here.

Other General Sections

A review of GamesDay 2005. Makes me wish I'd been there. Hang on, I was. Not much to report on this.

Konvershun Klinic - World Eaters Terminators

Warhammer FB Section

Oath and Honour - Dwarf Designers' Notes. Most of this is I think already known. From a format point of view I think most of the "pull quotes" in the article are direct renditions of Powerpoint slides being shown at GamesDay 2005. Longbeards can be made out of the basic Warrior set. Longbeards can be further upgraded from the same set to Longbeard Rangers. Quarrellers (Crossbowmen) and Thunderers can be made from the Thunderers set, so the two basic sets give you all the core choices for the army. There's a fairly complete overview, in pictures, of what is available on the sprues for these two sets.

Ancient Ancestors - Retrospective on Aly Morrison's various dwarf models over time.
Into the Valley- 3000 point Battle Report for Dwarfs vs Ogres. I won't tell you who wins or it will spoil the suspense.

By Axe and Gun - some 2000 point example dwarf army lists by Gav Thorpe. One of them is based on the army deal plus the battalion, so these days £175 buys you 2000 points (best case, since the battalion boxes are the best discount to get with GW bundles), if you were wondering.

Warhammer Chronicles - Tactics for 500 points games. Sample armies for Skaven, Tomb Kings, Orcs. Nice article by Jervis

Bretonnia Land of Heroes - building a 500 point army from the Battalion boxed set. This re-uses material from the recent US articles. I haven't seen US-WD 312 (just out) so there may be more overlap. Anyhow, similar examples for Wood Elves and Orcs.

Painting Workshop - Metal Techniques. Good article, focuses very much on metallic paints though, in case you thought you might get some Rackham style goodness.

Warhammer 40k Section

Chapter Approved - Daemon Worlds. Rules and terrain building tips.

The Death of Golia VII - fiction

Rise to Glory - tracking a Black Templar through different career stages, along the lines set forth in the codex. Basically fluff, but a short scenario as well at the end.

Tactica: Black Templars - what it says on the tin. Various tips and tricks, plus a page for Orks, Chaos, Eldar and Tyranids on fighting BT.

Dragon Slayers - Overview of a nicely built studio Imperial Tank Company.

Castellan Draco - Rules for the special character

Lord of the Rings section

A Shadow in the East - more Easterling previews, of the book and of the models. These are very nice indeed (Perry, I think), and not particularly LotR centric.

Return to Dwarrowdelf - Additional rules for games set in Moria, plus some modelling tips (you'll need styrofoam and lots of it).

The Misty Mountains - part 2 of a set of campaign rules, again with scenarios. A pity I can't get worked up about the LotR stuff because the models and the support are both excellent.

Other Stuff

Most of the advance orders to be listed are LotR Easterlings. The Dwarf Bolt Thrower is on Advance Order 24/12 for 4/2 availability. Next month's issue leads with the Easterlings; the Warhammer coverage is mostly Dwarves (with some additional stuff on halflings); the 40k coverage includes articles on BT Marshals (presumably Helbrecht comes out around then), a creature creation/conversion article and tactica for necrons. In the introductory feature it also mentions there'll be the studio Mordheim campaign kicking off as well, I very much hope this is the case.


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