Monday, December 05, 2005

Minis News 4 Dec 05 - Part One

Travelling again ... I'm going to use some downtime to try and catch up. There's a fair amount to catch up on so this is going to take a few sessions:

Black Scorpion New Releases

Black Scorpion, despite starting as a 28mm specialist, seems to be going down the path of being an Andrea style large model for display cases vendor. After being quiet for a while, three new items for December: an impressive 54mm (60mm to top of head) Achilles, a less impressive 54mm female model called "Ramona" and a 40mm Bob Dylan model (a useful folk singing squat for my Inquisitor warband).


Brigade Aeronef Releases

Brigade announced some new models for its Space 1889-style ship to ship game, Aeronef. Specifically, a Turkish fleet (Turkey for Xmas, geddit?). The new items can be found here. Look for:

VAN-2001 - Turkish Dig Battleship (pictured)
VAN-2002 - Turkish Battlecruiser
VAN-2003 - Turkish Dig Cruiser
VAN-2004 - Turkish Dig Destroyer
VAN-2005 - Turkish Fast Torpedo Dig
VAN-2006 - Turkish Patrol Dig

Also new for Aeronef is VAN-007 - Austro-Italian starter pack. And take a look at some of the nice Brigade Xmas offers available.

Copplestone New Stuff

This entry a somewhat liberal rephrasing of the regular update Mark sends out:

Firstly, this month's special offer is on a Lost World theme inspired by the upcoming King Kong movie - a mix of 1920s characters (pulled from the Back of Beyond and High Adventure ranges) and dangerous creatures.

Secondly a new pack, FW44 Band on the Run (pictured), a re-working of a pack Mark originally made for Grenadier way back. Next pack - Bodyguards in Bikinis.

Thirdly, some new 10mm fantasy - TM7 Orc Archers and TM8 Giant Wolves. Orc Wolfriders and Half-Orcs with Swords out next week.

Corvus Belli website changes

A note to say that Corvus Belli's website now includes the Infinity new releases. Given that news isn't properly dated at the site it's still difficult to tell when new stuff is coming out, but it's a little easier than at the Infinity site.

Dark Sword new releases

Dark Sword have 8 new Visions in Fantasy available on the website.

DSM7101 - Visions in Fantasy - Male Fighter with Sword and Shield - $5.99
DSM7102 - Visions in Fantasy - Male Wizard with Staff - $5.99 (pictured)
DSM7103 - Visions in Fantasy - Male Cleric with Mace - $5.99 (pictured)
DSM7104 - Visions in Fantasy - Male Rogue with Sword and Dagger - $5.99
DSM7105 - Visions in Fantasy - Male Elf Ranger with Bow - $5.99
DSM7106 - Visions in Fantasy - Male Beastmaster with Sword -$5.99
DSM7107 - Visions in Fantasy - Female Mage - $5.99
DSM7108 - Visions in Fantasy - Female Warrior with Sword - $5.99


They also have some new greens at their sneak peeks section, for Elmore set 8, sculpted by Dennis Mize. Dark Sword's sculptors are very skilful but I'm not keen on either the original art from which the sculpts are derived, or the paint jobs their studio painters have done, so not for me, I'm afraid.

Freebooter Xmas Miniature

Freebooter have their Xmas miniature for 2005 available at the store, WEI 006 Christmas Miniature 2005. A limited cast of 1000, this figure is one of three Xmas-themed queens, with plans to release one more at each of the next couple of Christmas holidays. Another nice sculpt from Freebooter, and a lovely paint job.

Games Workshop sneak peeks

Three new sneak peeks at the UK site:

- Dwarf Quarrellers for WFB
- Madril, Captain of Ithilien for LotR
- Tau Sniper Drones for 40k

GW's online store also has an advance order posted for a limited edition Black Templar, somewhat unexpected (picture below). Also note that the Dwarf Army deal has sold out.

Rackham December Releases

DRCR02 - Drune Minotaur (x1 fig) - $19.99
GBCH07 - Ozhon - 2nd Incarnation Box Set (x2 figs) - $32.99 USD
GBFI02 - Hoosu Uzo - Goblin Zealot (x1 fig) - $12.99 USD
OPCH02 - Ayane - Opidien Female Champion (x1 fig) - $11.99 USD
OREM01 - Orc War-Staff Box Set (x6 figs) - $29.99 USD
SCTR02 - Dirz Crossbowmen II (x3 figs) - $11.99 USD
RKHSET01 - Confrontation Starter Kit #1: Wolfen vs. Scorpions Box Set - $29.99 USD


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