On the paint table
After the more general stuff, some specifics, to give you some idea of where I'm coming from.
Firstly the Warhammer armies. I only count stuff as ready to fight once it's painted.
Painted, cased up and waiting for as yet unpainted reinforcements: about 2000 points of Daemonhunters and 1000-ish of Necrons, and about 1000 points of Space Wolves (I'm more someone who likes new armies rather than large battle forces).
Currently on the paint table: a Middenheimer Empire army and a large number of Tyranids, plus a bunch of new terrain for if I ever play again ...
Sitting under the paint table, unpainted, another Space Marine army, a Chaos army and the new Wood Elves army deal. The Space Marines will probably become Black Templars; I bought a bunch of those at Games Day this year, I particularly like the look of the Chaplain and retinue (as yet unreleased) and I'll probably hold out till some upgrade sprues for the VanillaMarines are available.
Sitting next to the paint table, a bunch of Regiments of Renown from way back, which will probably end up in the Empire army in some form. Notably the Marksmen of Miragliano are already standing primed behind the in-process Greatswords. There's also a few units from the Imperial Guard, some Cadians who will probably start their first founding as Inquisitorial Stormtroopers, and a fair number of Steel Legion and Tallarn. I've got this kind-of-plan to eventually have a mix of the available regiments (I like the look of some of the new Forge World Tallarn additions also); but I need to take a look at the Codex though to see if that's even possible.
Beyond Warhammer, but still in the GW universe - several Necromunda gangs, of which the Orlocks are in the most advanced state of fieldable paintitude. And a couple of Mordheim warbands - witchhunters and skaven. Sitting nearby, while we're on the subject - a couple of boxes of Necromunda, one of Mordheim, one of HeroQuest, one of BloodBowl, a couple of Space Hulk (as well as the various expansions).
Newly out of the crate that was until recently in the roof; a decent sized number of classic Citadel models, some unpainted and some painted in a way I'm not quite happy with and intend to redo. And some Ral Partha, Chronicle, etc. (I need to do some inventorying, big time). I also have some Reaper minis I bought recently.
I'm getting increasingly interested in and intrigued by other minis though - Confrontation, War Machine, Urban War, etc. As I look beyond GW, the range of models, the worlds they inhabit and the way they're played, are increasingly fascinating me. That's one of the main things I wanted to track in this blog.
Firstly the Warhammer armies. I only count stuff as ready to fight once it's painted.
Painted, cased up and waiting for as yet unpainted reinforcements: about 2000 points of Daemonhunters and 1000-ish of Necrons, and about 1000 points of Space Wolves (I'm more someone who likes new armies rather than large battle forces).
Currently on the paint table: a Middenheimer Empire army and a large number of Tyranids, plus a bunch of new terrain for if I ever play again ...
Sitting under the paint table, unpainted, another Space Marine army, a Chaos army and the new Wood Elves army deal. The Space Marines will probably become Black Templars; I bought a bunch of those at Games Day this year, I particularly like the look of the Chaplain and retinue (as yet unreleased) and I'll probably hold out till some upgrade sprues for the VanillaMarines are available.
Sitting next to the paint table, a bunch of Regiments of Renown from way back, which will probably end up in the Empire army in some form. Notably the Marksmen of Miragliano are already standing primed behind the in-process Greatswords. There's also a few units from the Imperial Guard, some Cadians who will probably start their first founding as Inquisitorial Stormtroopers, and a fair number of Steel Legion and Tallarn. I've got this kind-of-plan to eventually have a mix of the available regiments (I like the look of some of the new Forge World Tallarn additions also); but I need to take a look at the Codex though to see if that's even possible.
Beyond Warhammer, but still in the GW universe - several Necromunda gangs, of which the Orlocks are in the most advanced state of fieldable paintitude. And a couple of Mordheim warbands - witchhunters and skaven. Sitting nearby, while we're on the subject - a couple of boxes of Necromunda, one of Mordheim, one of HeroQuest, one of BloodBowl, a couple of Space Hulk (as well as the various expansions).
Newly out of the crate that was until recently in the roof; a decent sized number of classic Citadel models, some unpainted and some painted in a way I'm not quite happy with and intend to redo. And some Ral Partha, Chronicle, etc. (I need to do some inventorying, big time). I also have some Reaper minis I bought recently.
I'm getting increasingly interested in and intrigued by other minis though - Confrontation, War Machine, Urban War, etc. As I look beyond GW, the range of models, the worlds they inhabit and the way they're played, are increasingly fascinating me. That's one of the main things I wanted to track in this blog.
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