Sunday, October 16, 2005

First Post

So I was looking round the web for RSS feeds that talked about minis and games. I didn't find any, or if I did, they weren't at the level I wanted (and they seemed to be pretty much dormant). This blog, then, is meant to about minis and games. I'll try and keep it up to date with interesting stuff, and hopefully see a little "community" feedback start to build.

For myself, I'm a somewhat ancient (43) collector and player of miniature, board and card games. Of course, I have a life and a job as well (too much of one sometimes) but that's a subject for a different blog. I have a wife and two daughters. My elder daughter (12) plays a good game of Magic the Gathering, and we play board games on a regular basis (typically "German" ones - Settlers of Catan is a particular favourite). We live in the UK, near London.

My interest in miniatures revived relatively recently (after about a 15 year gap), as real life commitments limit the amount I can get out to actually game. So I'm now experiencing the very common syndrome of having a large collection of unpainted minis and a significant painting (and skills) backlog. But, given my work traps me on the web for a very large amount of time, I can at least read and write about the hobby here.

I'm sure all these blogs, much like the little armies on my paint tray, start out with the best of intentions, and I can hold out no promises for this one. We'll see how we go from here.


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