Tuesday, November 01, 2005

GW News 1 Nov 05

Firstly, apologies for the lack of posts over the last couple of days; it means I have some catching up to do. So, let's go.

A couple of news emails from Games Workshop to kick off:

Firstly, as trailed in my previous entry, the Dwarf army deal is now available, priced at £120. Contents: 1 Dwarf Lord, 1 Dwarf Runelord, 1 Dwarf Engineer, 1 Dwarf Army Standard Bearer, 32 Dwarf Warriors, 16 Dwarf Thunderers, 10 Dwarf Slayers, 1 Dwarf Cannon and 1 Dwarf Grudge Thrower plus the new Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs. I'm assuming the standard bearer is a limited edition model per the other army deals, but this isn't explicitly stated.

And, from GW UK's Inquisitor newsletter:

- (WFB) Article on converting Treemen ancients.
- (LotR) Rules for White Wargs
- (LotR) Linked Scenarios for the Fellowship of the Ring.
- (40k) Arming for the Sabbat Crusade - part 2 of a set of articles on GW's forthcoming event, plus an attempt to sell you a poster.

New sneak peek on the GW website - the Dwarf Grudge Thrower, which you can find in the aforementioned army deal.

And on computer games - one that kind of passed me by - there's a new MMORPG inde development for WFB (not the Warhammer Online that kind of fell apart last year), by Mythic Entertainment, creators of Dark Age of Camelot. Look for it in 2007. Plus, announced a week or so ago, a Real Time Strategy game in development, also for WFB - Warhammer: Mark of Chaos.

Then, from the GW US web site, Black Gobbo 51:

- converting Treemen ancients (as above but with better formatting)
- Black Templar designers' notes (extract of same material in White Dwarf UK 311)
- Fellowship scenarios 7 and 8 (as above, I assuming the US team is actually writing them)
- Winter of Woe 3 and 4 (linked Wood Elf scenarios)

From the UK online store, the following advance orders now available, in addition to those mentioned in the previous post:

- Black Templars assault squad £20 19/11
- Black Templars starter bundle (battleforcce + codex + glue + clippers) £72 19/11
- Black Templars High Marshall Helbrecht £9 26/11
- plastic Space Marine Scouts (long overdue IMHO) £12 26/11
- Black Templars Rhino £18 10/12
- Black Templars Sword Brethren Squad £15 10/12
- Black Templars Chaplain Grimaldus and Retinue £15 10/12
- (LotR) Balrog with whip £35 3/12
- and the release date of the "mega paint set" mentioned in the earlier post has now slipped to 26/11


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